Loss Is Nothing But Change, And Change Is Nature’s Delight
November 12, 2021 |Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature's delight.
Marcus Aurelius
Candelen is losing our Vice President of Programs, Trish Robinson, as she moves into the next chapter of her professional career and tries her talented hand at the private sector. While change may indeed by Nature's delight, it is bittersweet to us mere mortals.
Trish joined our ranks almost exactly four years ago and has been a transformative leader and an incredible thought partner to me as we have pivoted, heck, fully overhauled the organization. New vision, new programs, new strategies, even a new name and logo have been baked into these four years.
And her handprint is on all of it right beside mine.

I knew when she joined the team that she had career aspirations beyond the role she was offered and I was committed to working with her so that she could reach those goals. When the abstract notion of a new position morphed into a real and immediate evaluation of her options, it tested the commitment I have to this tenet, this idealistic notion of supporting our team members to reach their dreams.
The pain of the reality subsided, and while saddened by the notion of losing her, I knew that I was and will always be committed to her success—and the success of every member of the Candelen team, whether that success is achieved inside or outside our walls.
Nature delights in change. I have worked over these many months as Trish explored options and opportunities, to be delighted. I have been lucky enough to have Trish as a colleague, partner, and warrior for children across this state for four years. I have every confidence that she will step into this next role and achieve the same level of success that she has with Candelen.
Trish, you have my deepest thanks for sharing your time, talent, and passion with Candelen and me these last four years. You will be deeply missed, but forever a friend and difference maker!

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