Building Your Bounce: Promoting Adult Resilience
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Building Your Bounce: Promoting Adult Resilience
Presenter: Dr. Nefertiti Poyner
Building Your Bounce is a presentation designed to meet you where you are and take you to a place of greater strength, determination, and resiliency. Participants are sure to leave this presentation with energy, enthusiasm, and a commitment to make a few positive changes in their lives that will lead to greater happiness and fulfillment that will undoubtedly resonate in the work they do every day with children and families.
This presentation will emphasize how important it is that adults take care of themselves and promote their social-emotional health; how the social-emotional well-being of adults impacts the children in their care in both positive and negative ways; and specific, simple, and inexpensive strategies to reduce stress and promote their social-emotional health.
Dr. Nefertiti Poyner is an author, public speaker, and provider of professional learning experiences primarily in the field of early care and education. Nefertiti began her career doing what she loves: developing the minds of young children as a pre-kindergarten and kindergarten teacher in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Currently, Nefertiti is an Early Childhood Specialist and National Trainer with the Devereux Center for Resilient Children. In her role, she conducts local and national presentations, develops training curriculum, mentors trainers, and provides onsite and distance coaching. Nefertiti earned her undergraduate degree from Virginia State University, her master's degree from Chestnut Hill College, and her doctoral of education degree from Walden University. She is the co-author of two resources, Building Your Bounce: Simple Strategies for a Resilient You, and Socially, Strong, Emotionally Secure: 50 Activities to Promote Resilience in Young Children - Winner of the 2012 Learning Magazine Teachers' Choice Award. Her research interest and the passion that guides her work revolve around better understanding how resilience contributes to effective education for children, staff, and communities. When she isn't working, Nefertiti enjoys quiet moments along reading or crafting, and spending time with family.
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