We are seeking INNOVATIVE and MOTIVATING presentations and hands-on workshops to showcase the talent YOU possess in the early childhood field!
This year's expected attendance is 400+ early childhood professionals including teachers, mentors, home visitors, parent educators, Family Resource Center staff, coaches, case managers/workers, administrators, and more.
At the bottom of this page, please submit any relevant, engaging, and interactive topic that would appeal to our target audience.
CYCC 2024 will be an in-person professional development opportunity to:
Network with others in the early childhood field from across the Southwest
Engage with passionate and skilled presenters
Learn from the field’s finest leaders and innovators
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa
Conference sessions will be 90 minutes in length and will be fully equipped with audio/visual equipment (if needed). Please submit your application to present via the following form no later than November 19, 2023. We expect a very quick turnaround for our review team and anticipate final selections by December 15, 2023 with notifications shortly thereafter.
Conference attendance and lunch will be provided for the presenters selected.
We look forward to receiving your application!